Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Freedom of Speech - Dutch political party

THE HAGUE, Netherlands - A Dutch court refused on Monday to ban the PNVD political party (Dutch abbreviation of Brotherly Love) whose main goal is to lower the age of sexual consent from 16 to 12. The judge said it was the voters' right to judge the appeal of political parties.

The party has only three known members, one of whom was convicted of molesting an 11-year-old boy in 1987. Widely dubbed the "paedophile" party, it is unlikely ever to win a seat in parliament. The group would need around 60,000 votes, and pollsters estimate it would get fewer than 1,000.

"Freedom of expression, freedom ... of association, including the freedom to set up a political party, can be seen as the basis for a democratic society," Judge H. Hofhuis said in his ruling. "These freedoms give citizens the opportunity to, for example, use a political party to appeal for change to the constitution, law, or policy."

This news-piece only made it to very small columns in the media almost hidden away in the back pages. This piece of information disgusts me but it raises an important question of whether freedom of speech should be given to people whose actions & words may harm the public.

Whatever opinions people may have it is important to protect vulnerable people, whether they are a majority or a minority.

We have in the past seen damage done by the freedom of speech i.e. Danish newspapers publishing cruel cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). To me, freedom of speech means responsibility for any actions caused by this freedom. This is an important responsibility and something we all need to consider.

1 comment:

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