Monday, July 24, 2006

Condi goes to the Middle East

On Sunday, President Bush and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met up with
Saudi Foreign Minister Saud-al-Faisal and Prince Bandar bin Sultan, the head of the Saudi National Security Council.

Considering the Saudis have no REAL influence over the current conflict in the Middle East, What was this meeting about? Oil perhaps? We know there is a special relationship between the Bush family and the Saudi Royal Family. We also know that most of the Bush administration have in the past been directors of international oil companies including Condi.

Recent British archives revealed, the Saudi Arabians ministers, in the past, were usually drunk, had a superiority complex and liked taking bribes e.g. as in the case of the UK selling military equipment to Saudi Arabia. I doubt anything has changed.

Toady, Ms Rice finally arrived unannounced in the Middle East. She met up with Lebanon’s PM Fouad Siniora and is expected to unveil an aid package for Lebanon. Ms Rice will later head to Israel to meet Prime Minister Ehud Olmert

En route from Washington, Ms Rice said there was an "urgent" need for a ceasefire - but that conditions had to be right.

Maybe when there is no one left standing, our American friends will consider it the right time for ceasefire? The UN have been critical of Israel but with the US and UK still favouring Israel the UN has no real power nor has it got any purpose to exist.

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